保持架在滾針軸承中主要功用是引導滾針與軌道面保持線接處運動,並使其減少在滾動時發生碰撞與摩擦的機會,由於保持架的應力產生與破壞常集中在小圓角位置,該處應力是無法由實驗測得,所以如何將圓角部分設計給予適當合理的數值,是攸關品質的好壞與整體軸承使用壽命的重要表現。 本文是由廠商提供保持架樣品做為研究理論依據的基礎,針對 其保持架在小圓角部分容易產生應力集中位置,給予修正模擬不同的 半徑值,並同時設計改變保持架滾籠可容許承載滾針數的結構做搭配, 輔以ANSYS有限元素分析軟體來模擬保持架分別受到不同轉速時其 結構應力變化情形;另簡化保持架模型與整體模型做驗證比較分析, 以利縮短產品開發的時間。 The main function of bearing cage for the needle roller is to guide the needle roller’s motion to be kept within the rotating track, and to reduce the possibilities of crash and frictions happening during the rotating motion. Since stress and damages often occur at the small round corner of bearing cage, a proper radius of the small round corner is therefore critical to influence the quality of needle roller and also to determine the needle roller bearing cage’s life time. This research is based on an experiment using the needle roller bearing cage provided by a co-operative manufacturer and using the software “ANSYS” for data analysis and simulation. The purpose of this research is to analysis and to simulate the variation of structure of needle roller bearing cage under different corner radius when the needle roller is rotating in different speed. Furthermore, to shorten the time needed to develop a new product, a comparison between the simplified model of needle roller bearing cage and the complete model is discussed and analyzed.