本論文主要的重點在揭示《周易》文本涉及人與自然的內容如何以現代詮釋的方式轉化成具現代意義的環境倫理思想。本論文嘗試透過對照《周易》的「天人觀」、「自然觀」與Leopold的「大地倫理」思想,進而循「大地倫理」與「生態良知」作為詮釋參考系,來探究《周易》蘊藏的環境哲思或環境倫理的深度意蘊,並給出我的系統詮釋。 本論文之論題為「從《周易》思想探究『生態良知』之動力」,其中涵蓋了四個重點:(一)《周易》中人與自然關係的釐清:本文以《周易》的《經》、《傳》原文為主,以諸家之註為輔,由各家之言來闡述與詮釋《周易》中人與自然的關係。(二)《周易》中的「環境思想涵義」的解讀:本文採取Leopold的「大地倫理」思想作為理論參考系與《周易》中的「天人觀」、「自然觀」相互對照,進一步的嵌結與整理出《周易》思想中可能蘊含的環境倫理涵義。(三)「生態良知」的內容及詮解:此處的重點在於何謂「生態良知」?其內容為何?又有何重要性?以及為什麼要談論「生態良知」。(四)《周易》思想揭示的「人與自然的關係」要如何用來重新詮釋「生態良知」:此為本論文最核心也最重要之處,而上述所舉的三大要點與問題,都是為此解題進路所作的準備。 本論文從《周易》的天人觀與「大地倫理」兩種不同進路來相互比較對照,藉此帶出《周易》思想內「天人關係」或「人與自然關係」所具有的現代環境倫理或環境哲學的意義,並希望藉此能替中國經典的現代詮釋與環境保護的實踐動力提供一新的視野與窗口。 The focus of this thesis is to discuss the relationship between Man and Nature in the thought of I-Ching, attempting to read it from the perspective of environmental ethic. By contrasting I-Ching’s conception of T’ien-Jen as well as Nature with Aldo Leopold’s conception of land ethic, this thesis follows the land ethics and ecological conscience as a framework to investigate the environmental sense and implications of I-Ching and to offer a systematic interpretation of mine. This thesis deals with four issues. First, in order to clarify the relationship between Man and Nature in I-Ching, Jing and Zhuan in I-Ching as well as classic commentaries are used to illustrate my point. Secondly, in order to reveal the environmental implications and the ecological implications of the thought of I-Ching, Aldo Leopold’s conception of land ethic is used as a reference system. Thirdly, in order to interpret the meanings and the significance of ecological conscience, the Three-W (What-How-Why) approach is used to support my point. Fourthly, in order to give a new interpretation of ecological conscience, the relationship between Man and Nature in the thought of I-Ching is used as a new perspective. This issue is the core issue of this thesis, the other three issues merely pave the way for the understanding of this fundamental issue. Reading in this vein, I hope to give a new interpretation of I-Ching and a new perspective for the practical impetus of environmental conservation.