台灣目前環島有九部陸基式都卜勒氣象雷達,由於島上複雜地形產生雷達觀測死角,故缺乏對低層大氣結構的觀測。此外,研究顯示雙偏極化氣象雷達可以反演出雨滴粒徑分佈、可精確估計降雨、並進行降雨粒子分類,因此在雲物理研究以及防災應用上都有極大的幫助。國科會已於2006年10月1日正式核准以「大型核心研究設施計畫」經費,建置國內第一部實驗性大氣移動式雙偏極化都卜勒氣象雷達,取名為Taiwan Experimental Atmospheric Mobile-Radar ( TEAM-R)。該建置計畫已於2008年3月31日完成。TEAM-R在2008年5月10日南下,參加從5月15日到6月30日於高屏一帶所展開的國科會「西南氣流豪雨觀測與預報實驗」。本計畫以TEAM-R雷達為主,並納入整合型探空系統 (ISS)、雨滴譜儀、微波降雨雷達Micro Rain Radar (MRR) 、C波段雙偏極化雷達(C-POL)等設備,構成一研究風雨的完整觀測網,針對這些儀器提出一服務型維護計畫。基本上納入本計畫之設備,在獲得補助之後,其觀測資料需透過一公平適當之機制,釋放出來與氣象界共同使用。 Currently there are nine ground-based Doppler radars in Taiwan. However, due to the blockage of the radar beams by the complex terrain, the observations of the low level atmospheric structures are always insufficient. A lot of research has shown that a dual-polarmetric radar is capable of retrieving the drop size distribution, accurately estimating the rain fall rate, and classifying the hydrometeor types. Therefore, a dual-polarmetric radar is considered extremely useful in terms of studying the cloud physics as well as in the application of disaster mitigation. Since Oct. 1st, 2006, the National Science Council (NSC) has approved the funding to build the first mobile meteorological radar in Taiwan. The construction of this radar has been completed on March 31, 2008. It is named Taiwan Experimental Atmospheric Mobile – Radar (TEAM-R). TEAM-R moves to southern Taiwan on May 10, 2008 to participate the SoWMEX/TiMREX field experiment, held from May 15 to June 30. The purpose of this project is to request a constant funding from NSC to support the following maintenance and operation of TEAM-R, Integrated Sounding System (ISS), 1 2-D video disdrometer, 3 JW disdrometers, 4 Microwave Rain Radars (MRR), and a C-POL radar. Basically these instruments can form an adaptive network to observe winds and precipitation. With the support from this so-called service platform project, the data collected by these instruments are required to be released and shared with the community users under a reasonable and fair mechanism. 研究期間 : 9808 ~ 9907