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    显示项目401-450 / 1078. (共22页)
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    2012-09-01 型一設限下物件壽命分布具相關性之串聯系統可靠度分析;Statistical Inference of a Series System with Correlated Components Lifetime Distributions under Type-I Censoring 樊采虹
    2012-09-01 高維狀態價格密度函數 鄧惠文
    2012-07-31 Copula連結之天氣資料預測;Copula-Based Weather Data Forecasting 陳彥鈞; Chen,Yen-Chun
    2012-07-06 針對受試者操作特徵曲線下部分面積建立的非劣性檢定;Non-inferiority tests based on the partial area under ROC curve 陶漢威; Tau,Han-Wei
    2012-07-06 診斷醫學中Youden指數之推廣研究;Generalization of Youden Index in Medical Diagnostics 蔡任勛; Tsai,Jen-hsun
    2012-07-04 Cox比例風險模型之參數估計與比例風險檢定-比較部分概似法、二階段方法以及聯合模型法;Proportional Hazards Test and Estimation for Cox Proportional Hazards model ---- Among Partial Likelihood, Two-stage and Joint modeling approach 林宜蓁; Lin,Yi-Chen
    2012-07-04 針對非對數常態資料的生體相等性檢定;Bioequivalence test for non-lognormally distributed data 詹國松; Chan,Kuo-sung
    2012-07-03 壽命具廣義伽瑪分配之型II 設限階段應力加速壽命試驗的可靠度分析;The Reliability Analysis of Step-Stress Accelerated Life Tests Under Generalized Gamma Lifetime Distributions With Type-II Censoring 張家華; Chang,Chia-hua
    2012-06-28 利用 Bartlett 第二等式來推論模型假設錯誤下的變異數函數;Inference for the variance function using the breakdown of Bartlett’s second identity under model misspecification 陳冠甫; Chen,Guan-fu
    2012-06-28 具Marshall-Olkin 二元指數分佈之混合設限競爭風險資料之可靠度分析;Competing Risks Model of Marshall-Olkin Bivariate Exponential Distribution Under Hybrid Censoring 林香漢; Lin,Hsiang-han
    2012-06-27 (一)加權概似函數之強韌性探討(二)影響代謝症候群短期發生及消失的相關危險因子探討;A weighting scheme for rendering parametric likelihood more robust 陳奕先; Chen,Yi-Hsien
    2012-06-27 利用重點抽樣的有效率選擇權訂價;Efficient option pricing with importance sampling 陳醇潔; Chen,Chun-chieh
    2012-06-27 信用違約交換之定價;On Pricing Credit Default Swaps 劉家齊; Liu,Chia-chi
    2012-06-26 (一)零過多的個數資料之變異數函數的強韌推論(二)影響糖尿病、高血壓短期發生的相關危險因子探討;Robust Inference for variance function of zero-inflated count responses 許祐領; Hsu,Yu-Ling
    2012-06-26 串聯系統元件壽命服從韋伯分配下之定應力破壞性加速壽命試驗分析;Constant Stress Accelerated Life Tests forDestructive Device of Series Components under Weibull Lifetime Distributions 蘇瓔漪; Su,Ying-Yi
    2012-06-26 貝氏補值方法應用在行星資料的週期和質量上;Bayesian imputation with an application to mass-period functions of extrasolar planets 趙彥茹; Chao,Yen-ju
    2012-06-26 聯合長期追蹤與存活資料分析---術後黑色素細胞瘤之實例分析;Joint modeling of longitudinal and survival data---A case study in patients with resected melanoma 陳美芳; Chen,Mei-fang
    2012-06-26 聯合模型之參數估計─軟體MATLAB套件JointModel與軟體R套件JM之比較;Parameters Estimation of Joint Model─Comparison between the JointModel package of MATLAB and the JM package of R 翁金龍; Wong,Jin-long
    2012-06-25 聯合長期追蹤與存活資料分析-愛滋病病患之實例分析;Joint modeling of longitudinal and survival data - A case study in AIDS data 廖哲瑋; Liao,Che-wei
    2012-06-23 一個分析具相關性的連續與比例資料的簡單且強韌的方法;An easy and robust way to analyzing bivariate continous and proportion data 余思璇; Yu,Sz-shiuan
    2012-06-21 Portfolio Selection Based on C-Vine Pair-Copula Constructionsand Markowitz Mean-Variance Model;Portfolio Selection Based on C-Vine Pair-Copula Constructionsand Markowitz Mean-Variance Model 高裕哲; Kao,Yu-Zhe
    2012-06-19 在隱含需求過程的狀態轉換模型下的電力價格預測;Regime-Switching Model with Demand Process in Electricity Price Forecasting 張維之; Chang,Wei-Chih
    2012-06-19 匯率與股票市場之不對稱相關性;Asymmetric Dependence between the Exchange Rates and the Stock Markets 陳俊杰; Chen,Chun-Chieh
    2012-06-19 對偶市場的電力價格模型;Dual Market Model for Electricity 曾柏霖; Tseng,Po-Lin
    2012-03-01 多重基因-疾病關聯性檢定之研究;A research in testing genes and disease association 李仁佑; Jen-yu Lee
    2012-02-28 101年統計系碩士一般生組-基礎數學-入學考試題 統計研究所
    2012-02-28 101年統計系碩士一般生組-數理統計-入學考試題 統計研究所
    2012-01-01 能源價格與能源衍生性商品之探討( III );Research on Energy Prices and Energy Derivatives 傅承德; 黃鴻明; 張傳章; 楊曉文
    2011-09-01 雙截切資料的統計推論;Statistical Inference for Doubly Truncated Data 江村剛志
    2011-08-01 地震前兆與預警研究總計畫,-地震電磁前兆共軛監測(II);A Conjugate Monitoring of Seismo-Electromagnetic Precursors(Ii) 陳玉英; 劉正彥
    2011-08-01 複合估計函數:一個分析相關性資料的新方法;Composite Estimating Functions - a New Approach for Correlated Data 鄒宗山
    2011-08-01 具廣義伽瑪壽命分布串聯系統加速壽命試驗之可靠度分析;Relaibiltity Analysis for Accelerated Life Tests of Series System under Generalized Gamma Life Time Distributions 樊采虹
    2011-08-01 邊際模型法用於多重事件與長期追蹤資料;A Marginal Approach for Multivariate Survival with Longitudinal Covariates 曾議寬
    2011-08-01 高維數據建模與財務應用;High-Dimensional Data Modeling with Applications in Finance 鄧惠文
    2011-08-01 藥物濃度時間側寫之穩健統計模式及其應用;Robust Statistical Models for Drug Concentration-Time Profiles and Their Applications 陳玉英
    2011-08-01 高維數據分析之隱馬爾可夫模型;+B6340High Dimensional Data Analysis under Hidden Markov Models 傅承德
    2011-07-15 壽命具韋伯分佈之電火工品加速失效模型的可靠度分析; Accelerated Failure Tests of Electro-Explosive Devices Under Weibull Lifetime Distributions 莊翔宇; Hsiang-yu Chuang
    2011-07-15 串聯系統存在隱蔽資料之可靠度分析─以廣義伽瑪分配為例; The relibility analysis of series system with masked data dash generalized gamma distribution 蘇岏智; WanJ-Jr Su
    2011-07-14 關聯結構模型之強韌性的探討; Exporing the robustness of copula models 蔡宛玲; Wan-Ling Cai
    2011-07-14 以多維負二項模型分析具相關性的混合型態資料; Multivariate negative binomial models for correlated data of mixing types 朱美穎; Mei-ying Chu
    2011-07-08 個數資料之過離散性的強韌推論; Inference for overdispersion in count data without making distributional assumptions 曹雅婷; Ya-ting Tsao
    2011-07-08 以統計角度探索代謝症候群判別因素之合理性; A statistical look at the appropriateness of the diagnostic criteria of metabolism syndrome 麥茂炫; Maushan Mai
    2011-07-06 探討方便收益率對未來原油期貨價格的趨勢; Discussion of Convenience Yield Trends of Crude Oil Futures Prices on the Future 楊函玲; Han-Ling Yang
    2011-07-06 SABR模型下使用遠期及選擇權資料的參數估計; Estimation under SABR Model using both Forward and Option Data 張正鉉; Cheng-Syuan Chang
    2011-07-06 電價與股票市場的實例分析; Empirical Analysis for Electricity Prices and Stock Prices 鄭靖諴; Jing-Sian Zheng
    2011-07-05 在跳躍擴散模型下觀察電價尖峰現象; Observed the Spike Phenomena of Electricity Price under Jump-Diffusion Model 羅有呈; You-Cheng Luo
    2011-07-04 結構方程模型下時間序列資料與縱貫性資料之貝氏分析; Bayesian Structural Equation Modeling of Time Series Data and Longitudinal Data 王義富; Yi-Fu Wang
    2011-07-04 Copula連結時間序列應用在失業率下之建模; Copula-Based Time Series with Applications to Unemployment Rates Modeling 吳嘉洋; Jia-Yang Wu
    2011-07-01 隱藏式馬可夫模型之統計推論及計算; Statistical Inference and Computation in Hidden Markov Models 傅承德
    2011-07-01 半加法迴歸模型之有母數強韌推論; Parametric Robust Likelihood Inference for Semi-Additive Regression Models 鄒宗山

    显示项目401-450 / 1078. (共22页)
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