本論文以開發一套數位影像處理平台為目標,考量過去影像處理系統的優缺,並結合影像感測器,發展出一套影像壓縮網路攝影平台,此平台希望具有體積小、演算速度快、高影像解析度以及即時性等特點,還有能提供高的應用彈性,如此可搭配適合的演算法以及相關影像處理函式來進行各種不同的任務。 The main purpose of this thesis is to set up a digital image process platform. We consult the previous image process system, and integrate CMOS image sensor into this image compress internet shoot platform. We hope this platform is small in terms of size, fast in terms of mathematical calculation, high image resolution, and real time process. It also provides high application possibility that can cooperate with suitable algorithms and relevant programs to fulfill all kinds of tasks.