本研究針對低價消費性電子產品之中的攝像模組,建構一套快速評價其輸出影像的品質之系統,並應用統計學方法找出本系統的較佳運作程序。本系統的測試速度為每試片25秒,測試的重複性指標:變異係數(Coefficient of variation—CV)約為1%,本系統作為攝像模組量產過程,線上驗證品質之用,可以達到快速檢測降低成本及提升測試可靠度之產業需求。 The high-speed USB camera module is an easy-to-use and low-cost commercial electronic device. In order to verify its image quality, a inspection system is built. A better operating procedure is also developed by means of statistical repeated measures analysis. The inspection system can perform all test items within approximately 25 seconds per sample. The coefficient of variation(CV) which represents an indicator for measurement repeatability is about 1%. The proposed inspection system provides high throughput, in-line inspection of the image quality and proves to suite for mass production.