本論文主要為以電化學量測應用為目的而發展的頻率響應分析儀(Frequency Response Analyzer )。當與「恆電位/電流儀」PotentioStat/GalvanoStat量測系統整合後成為一個同時具有交/直流分功能之量測系統。經由〈交流阻抗分析〉功能,可實行各種電化學相關實驗,如利用頻率響應分析找出硫酸銅溶液之等效模型及其它衍生應用…等等。 本量測系統同時具備直流與交流分析功能;如〈定電壓控制〉、〈定電流控制〉、〈電壓/電流即時監測〉、〈交流阻抗分析〉…等等。在直流分析功能中,使用控制理論-PI控制,可輸出不受負載影響之穩定電壓/電流源;而在交流分析功能中,亦使用了控制理論-系統鑑別演算法,完成交流阻抗分析,且得到交流阻抗圖譜,可提供使用者重建待測系統之等效模型之參考。各種驗證系統電化學量測實驗中,包含與Solartron儀器之實驗結果比較,也有為了解化學溶液等效電路中各項參數而實行交流阻抗與化學溶液之各項特性與溶液濃度變化關係之實驗。 初步先以軟體模擬驗證了系統鑑別理論於交流阻抗分析之可行性,並將該演算方法實現於數位訊號處理器上,再與類比控制電路整合後,終於實現交流阻抗分析,進而完成驗證其功能的各種電化學相關實驗。 The objective of the present study was to implement F.R.A(Frequency Response Analyzer) for electrochemical analysis and application. It provides both AC and DC analysis function when integrating into PotentioState/GalvanoState. Besides, By E-I-S (Electrochemical Impedance Scope) technique, we know the equivalent circuit models of electrochemical solution (CuSO4) and other applications. Our measure system includes both AC and DC analysis function; for example, Potential Mode、Galvano Mode、V-I Monitor、EIS Mode,…etc. Among DC analysis function, we use control theory—PI control to accomplish the voltage and current source. In the same way, among AC analysis function, we also use control theory--System Identification algorithm to accomplish the EIS analysis. We provide user with Impedance Chart after EIS analysis. And users will get to re-structure equivalent circuit models from Impedance Chart. At first, we run several simulations in proof of this system Identification algorithm, and implement it on contraction monitor and integrate into electric circuit afterward. Finally, we study EIS analysis and others experiment in proof of this measure system.