台灣地處於亞熱帶濕暖多雨型氣候,公路構築大都以柔性鋪面瀝青混凝土為主。隨著經濟蓬勃發展,交通運輸量增加,維生管線供需挖掘施工,致路面產生結構性破壞,衍生交通意外事故造成人民生命財產損失,亦增加社會成本支出,無形中讓民眾對道路服務品質存有越來越多爭議與不滿。如何有效率具經濟性管控修補路面,及妥善運用維生管線挖掘道路所繳納之路修費,進行路面整建或修復作業,適時汰舊換新再提昇道路服務品質,恢復原有路面平整行車舒適之功能,是延續道路使用管理養護之重點。 本研究收集彙整國內各道路主管機關執行道路零星修補及挖掘路面修復工法及相關規範,以實際經驗為基礎分析公路總局第一區養護工程處目前執行狀況及遭遇之困難,提出建議「坑洞緊急修補」、「路面零星修復」及「挖掘路面修復及整修」施工作業程序,藉以提昇道路養護品質,冀能提供道路管理單位參用。 The highway pavement in Taiwan which is located in subtropics with warm and rainy climate is built by asphalt concrete in majority. The pavement structural failure causes by the excavation of survival piping system and increasing transportation density due to economical development is the reason which makes traffic accidents with the loss of human lives and wealth. It also makes the social expense increasingly. The citizen always complain about pavement service quality. The point of highway pavement maintenance are how to control the pavement repairing economically and efficiently、expense the fare which comes from the excavation of survival piping system properly、the rebuild or recovery activity of pavement、the promotion of pavement quality with rebuilding in time、the recovery of pavement in smooth and comfortable. We collect the excavation pavement recovery method and specification from the highway bureau in our country. The experience of execution condition and difficulty encountered in First Maintenance Office Directorate General of Highways Ministry of Transportation and Communications is the foundation of this analysis. We suggest the construction process of emergency potholes、pavement fragment repair and pavement excavation repair. It can improve the quality of pavement maintenance. The highway management ministry also can refer to our suggestion.