摘要: | 道路工程為我國重要的公共工程,其施工品質良窳與民生息息 相關,近年來土木工程技術快速發展,及道路主管機關訂定相關技術 規範,提昇道路工程之規劃、設計與施工工程等技術。無論是新建、 整修或拓寬道路工程,可由道路的結構、工法、及各種新鋪面材料研 發,選擇最佳的路面設計,並於經由施工品質控制,及完工的成效評 估,可提供使用者平坦、舒適、順暢的道路。但是民生管線單位因業 務需求進行管線埋設、維修、遷移等工程,進行挖掘鋪設管線設施, 因未遵循規範確實進行回填作業,壓密度無法達成規範規定,形成回 填不實道路下陷,或管線孔蓋埋設不當,造成路面凹凸不平,降低道 路原設計之服務水準,影響用路人權益,更造成民眾生活不便,此非 管線單位所期望的,所以管線單位,在執行道路相關管線工程時,應 慎重行事。本文主要針對因孔蓋埋設施工不當、或市區道路鋪設施工 影響,造成孔蓋與道路不齊平,探討孔蓋對道路平坦度影響各種問 題,並蒐集國內外各種因應改善工法與研究,尋求解決孔蓋與道路齊 平的工法,降減少孔蓋對道路平坦度之影響,做好維生管線公共工程 提昇服務品質。 Road engineering is quite important in public utility project. Road construction substantially affected the living quality. Techniques development of Civil Engineering and the standards set up by Transportation authority render road work progress in every plan, design and construction aspect. No matter it was newly built, refurbished one or roadway widened, best function performance can be brought on, by careful choices on structure, construction method and pavement materials, associated with suitable design, construction quality control and job evaluation. Utility conduit construction, including Telecom, Electricity, etc., is the major pavement killer on the road, and also the one responsible for the lousy performance of the road. Routine civil work of utility company includes deployment, maintenance and movement of conduit (and cable). All the jobs have to break the pavement, excavate the road foundation, lay down the conduit and recover the roadway site. Due to the traffic, the backfill compaction is seldom executed as required by standard. In that case, settlement along the route and the heave on the manhole coverlid are often to be observed. Bumping along the road implies lowering the service level, and in some case, may even cause the traffic accident. Therefore, construction of conduit requires concern in every detail to avoid the hazards. Manhole coverlid bumping on the road can be due to poor manhole embedment work or pavement construction. This thesis focuses on the issue of aftermath and the remedial method coping with leveling manhole coverlid to the road crust surface. Overview of the innovations and research pertaining to the problem well disclosed that it could be solved. Try the very best to maintain flatness and smooth of the road symbolized the responsibility and the service quality image of utility company. |