國內公共工程可委託專案管理之制度,其法源依據為民國八十七年五月二十七日開始實施之「政府採購法」。然至今業主及專案管理廠商卻仍藉由辦理委託專案管理累積之經驗,逐步摸索雙方的責任義務,對於專案管理廠商該負何種責任一直無法明確釐清。而當業主面臨到品質、成本、進度等工程缺失時,管理責任更成為雙方爭執之焦點。 本研究在探討專案管理相關法令、釐清權責關係後,建立了專案管理廠商在工程品質管理、成本管理、與進度管理方面的責任界限。本研究並依此於委託專案管理服務契約中,建議對專案管理廠商責任疏失之罰則與計算扣款之條文,如此便可讓業主在面臨工程缺失時,能夠釐清專案管理廠商的責任,以做為是否處分專案管理廠商的依據。 The Government Procurement Law, which became effective on May 27th 1998, allows project management be conducted by Professional Construction Management (PCM) companies in public work. However, many disputes exist between owners and their PCM companies due to poor or vague definitions of the PCM companies’ responsibilities. The disputes are even worse when there are problems in schedule, cost, or quality of the construction projects. This study reviews PCM related regulations and common practices before clearly defining reasonable responsibilities for a PCM company. A PCM case study was then performed accordingly for a public building construction project. Finally, a fine penalty clause is suggested in the PCM contract for the deficiencies in construction schedule, cost, and quality.