本研究討論越域引水水庫聯合運轉之最佳操作,並以頭前溪流域之寶山與寶山第二水庫為案例,以目標年109年需水量為供水標的,模擬寶山與寶山第二水庫之聯合運轉,針對越域引水水庫之特性,流量以日流量為計算單位,俟通過引水隧道引入水庫後,再累計為旬計引水量進行演算。 首先就水庫本身原有之操作規線,以水庫水位指標平衡法決定個別水庫之應放水量,並探討水庫水位低於規線以下之打折供水量,再以經過多次試誤模擬所得之較佳規線,同樣對水庫水位低於規線以下之打折供水量進行討論,最後以遺傳演算法結合模擬模式,就不同打折供水之情境進行優化,期能求得系統之最佳解。 從本研究之結果,可以很清楚的看出整個系統的供水,優化模式優於模擬模式,模擬模式優於維持現有規線,並於規線以下供水打折數之探討,發現於各種情境之下,以公共供水為標的之單目標水庫,其打折供水量通常以七至八折為最佳。 This study emphasizes on the joint policy for a multiple reservoir system of over-basined diversion. The system, consisting of Pou-Shan Reservoir and Pou-Shan Ⅱ Reservoir in Tou-Chan Stream Basin, is employed as a case study. Based on the inflow data from the past 30 years and predicted demand for the year 2020, we build reservoir simulation model, and then apply Genetic Algorithms (GAs) to optimize the rule curve and the discount of releases for reservoir system. The releases between reservoirs are based on the rule curve of each reservoir and the principle of ‘index balance’. And we discuss the discount of releases for reservoir system if the elevation of reservoir is lower than rule curve by simulation model and Genetic Algorithms. The case studies demonstrate that the optimal rule curves obtained by Genetic Algorithms can improve the system capacities more significantly than the existing rule curve. And the discount of releases for reservoir system when the elevation of reservoir is lower than rule curve is 70~80 percent in general for water supply purpose.