隨著社會不斷地變遷,後工業化及科技化社會的來臨,工作天數的減少及退休年齡的提前,人類的休閒已然成為現今社會的ㄧ項重要問題(Teaff, 1975)。 倘若你可以在工作、人際關係和休閒活動中建構出一個平衡的金三角,對於身心靈的整合是有幫助的。但是以華人為主的國家,向來以勤奮努力工作為美德,對於休閒的培養和重視不及西方國家的人民。近年來,這樣的觀念卻漸漸地改變,台灣地區休閒風吹起,尤其是週休二日實施以後,以及媒體的宣傳,台灣地區的華人對於休閒的需求和認知正日益增加(陸洛、高旭繁,2006)。企業可否藉由提倡員工從事適當的休閒活動,在員工對於休閒生活感到滿意之餘,也能順帶提升其工作滿意度,乃是本研究所欲探討的問題。另外,參與休閒活動是否對個人幸福感具有顯著的影響,也是本研究所欲探討的問題。 從研究結果中發現,在預測「休閒活動參與」之「投入時間」方面,整體而言,年齡越長,投入時間越少;人格傾向越外向性和刺激尋求的個體,投入時間越多。在預測「休閒滿意度」方面,人格傾向越「開放性」的個體,其從事休閒後所獲致的「休閒滿意度」越高;整體休閒活動參與頻率越高,個體獲得的休閒滿意度越高。在預測「工作滿意度」方面,當「休閒滿意度」裡的「放鬆」需求獲得滿足的時候,將能夠提高個體的工作滿意度。在預測「快樂」方面,身體構面的休閒滿意度和工作滿意度是最有效的預測因子;在預測「憂鬱」方面,人格傾向越神經質的個體,憂鬱的感受會越高。 This study explored relationships among personality, leisure involvement, leisure satisfaction, work satisfaction and happiness in a representative sample of Chinese adults in Taiwan. Using structured questionnaires, two samples were surveyed: (1) a national representative sample of 150 adults (over 18 years old) was home interviewed; (2) a convenient sample of 51 working adults attending educational courses in a university self-administered the questionnaires. Data were then pooled for further analyses (N=201). We found that (1) personality traits of sensation-seeking, openness, and extraversion significantly correlated with almost all kinds of leisure involvement, but neuroticism did not correlate with most leisure activities; and (2) sensation-seeking and openness significantly positively correlated with leisure satisfaction while extraversion and neuroticism did not correlate with leisure satisfaction; and (3) the “relaxation” aspect of leisure satisfaction was found to predict higher work satisfaction; and (4) the “physiology” aspect of leisure satisfaction and work satisfaction were significant predictors of happiness; and (5) neuroticism could significantly predict depression. Our results thus showed that for Chinese people, though leisure is not a traditionally highly acclaimed aspect of life, in modern day societies, participation in and gratification from leisure bear benefits not only for personal well-being but also for improved work morale.