本研究旨在瞭解海峽兩岸女性工作者在職家衝突、工作家庭資源的異同處,並進一步比較其因職家衝突所產生的後果變項之差異性。研究樣本為中國大陸(北京)及台灣兩地具有全職工作的成人,共265份女性有效樣本,台灣女性157份,中國108份。 研究結果顯示:職家衝突感受差異方面,總的來說,兩岸女性之「工作家庭衝突」並無顯著差異,而「家庭工作衝突」則中國顯著高於台灣。在職家衝突的各面向上,台灣樣本之「以壓力為基礎」的職家衝突高於中國,「以時間為基礎」及「以行為為基礎」的職家衝突則是中國高於台灣。在資源方面,台灣樣本之「組織家庭支持」高於中國,中國則在「主管理念性支持」與「組織家庭政策」上高於台灣。而在家庭資源方面,台灣樣本之「家人就近幫忙」顯著高於中國,「照顧子女協助」上則相反的中國顯著高於台灣。在後果變項方面,僅台灣樣本之「生活滿意」顯著高於中國。 藉由研究之結果,有助於讀者瞭解兩岸女性在同種卻不盡相同的政經社會背景所產生之不同「次文化」(sub-culture)下的職家衝突感受,及其前因後果的差異,提供企業管理者,作為企業經營管理上彈性之運用。 The present study aimed to compare cross-strait differences in work and family resources, work-family conflict, and its consequences among full-time employed women in Taiwan and Mainland China. Our sample consisted of 265 working women, 157 from Taiwan, and 108 from China (Beijing). Results revealed that there was no overall difference in work-to-family conflict (WFC) among women across the Strait. However, Mainland Chinese female workers perceived higher overall family-to-work conflict (FWC) than their Taiwanese counterparts. More specifically, Taiwanese perceived higher strain-based WFC and FWC than Mainland Chinese, whereas the Mainland Chinese perceived higher time-based and behavior-based WFC and FWC than Taiwanese. In terms of work resources, Taiwanese perceived higher organizational family-support values, whereas Mainland Chinese perceived higher supervisory support and organizational family-support policies. In terms of family resources, Taiwanese perceived higher support resulted from relatives living close-by, whereas Mainland Chinese perceived higher support for children care. On various outcome measures, there was only on significant difference: Taiwanese perceived higher life satisfaction than their mainland Chinese counterparts. Our results unraveled sub-cultural differences of women’s work-family conflict experiences embedded in the socio-economical backgrounds of the two Chinese societies across the Strait. It is hoped that these findings will inform better and more adjusted organizational family-friendly practices for managers in Taiwan and Mainland China.