工作與家庭雙向衝突所造成的壓力,確實是整體工作壓力知覺的一個重要面向,也與個人所承受的各項壓力後果(如工作滿意、身心健康)有關。但對於職務高低對於職家衝突的議題,探討的資料卻不多。籍由本身在職場上對於職家衝突的切身感受,以描述性的方式去瞭解主管與非主管的差異,進而對職位高低對於職家衝突的議題做進一步的探討。 本研究透過量化分析來驗證下列各項研究結果是否存在,探討管理階層與一般員工對於工作與家庭衝突的高低感受之學術研究。透過本研究的量化分析,主管與非主管職位對於職家要求、資源、衝突三種感受之差異探討的六個假設差異如下: H1:主管在「工作要求」的感受上高於非主管。 H2:非主管在「家庭要求」的感受上高於主管。 H3:主管在「工作資源」的感受上高於非主管。 H4:主管在「家庭資源」的感受上高於非主管。 H5:主管與非主管在工作–家庭(WFC) 衝突的感受上具有差異性。 H6: 主管與非主管在家庭-工作(FWC)衝突的感受上具有差異性。 此外,藉由質性訪談,揭露量化研究背後更深層的內涵及意義。希望藉由深度的訪談歸納出生成原因,並透過受訪者的經驗與建議以利進一步尋找出實務對策,提供給各公司的人力資源單位,作為發展員工關係的依據和參考。 Perceptual differences on work/family demands, resources, and conflict between managers and non-managers The dual conflict between work and family is an important element in the work stress experiences. However, very few studies have examined the possible differences on perceptions of work/family demands, resources, and conflict between managers and non-managers. Therefore, the present study examined six specific hypotheses as below: H1: Managers perceived higher “work demands” than non-managers. H2: Non-managers perceived higher “family demands” than managers. H3: Managers perceived higher “work resources” than non-managers. H4: Managers perceived higher “family resources” than non-managers. H5: Managers and non-managers perceived different levels of “work-to-family conflict”. H6: Managers and non-managers perceived different levels of “family-to-work conflict”. In addition to statistical analysis, in-depth interviews were conducted. These qualitative data helped to shed light on the subjective experiences of work/family conflict. Practical implications for better balancing the work/family life were discussed.