本論文主要目的在彙整過去相關文獻的研究發現,藉由問卷調查及統計分析的結果驗證銀行理財主管的轉換型領導、交易型領導對銀行理財專員工作績效與離職傾向之間的相關性,並以組織承諾為中介變項進行探討,再就分析結果進行討論及管理意涵之說明。 本研究回收前測問卷 81 份,進行信、效度分析後,再收集 240 份有效正式問卷,採用變異數分析、相關分析及迴歸分析等統計方法,來進行研究分析,希望藉由本研究之實證結果,以提供銀行遴選理財主管與理財專員時參考,以及作為銀行理財主管領導理財專員時採取之管理風格及策略參考之用。 本研究主要研究結果為: 1.轉換型領導相較於交易型領導,對於理財專員工作績效具有較顯著的正向影響。 2.轉換型領導相較於交易型領導,對於理財專員離職傾向具有較顯著的負向影響。 3.組織承諾在轉換型領導與工作績效間具中介效果,且為完全中介。 4.組織承諾在交易型領導與工作績效間中介效果不存在。 5.組織承諾在轉換型領導與離職傾向間具中介效果,但為部份中介。 6.組織承諾在交易型領導與離職傾向間中介效果不存在。 The purpose of this study is to collect the related literatures and examine the relationships between financial manager’s transformational leadership, the transactional leadership and financial counselor’s job performance and turnover intention by questionnaire survey and statistical analysis results. Organizational commitment serves as the mediator. The conclusions and managerial implications are proposed according to the research findings and analysis results. This study collects 81 pre-tested questionnaires for the reliability and validity analysis and other 240 formal questionnaires for ANONA, correlation and regression analysis. The empirical results of this study can be applied to recruit and select financial managers and financial counselors. This study also provided directions for financial managers’ management style and strategic thinking. The critical findings of this thesis are as follows: 1.The transformational leadership has a more significant positive effect on financial counselors’ job performance than transactional leadership. 2.The transformational leadership has a more significant negative effect on financial counselors’ turnover intention than transactional leadership. 3.Organizational commitment serves as the full mediator between transformational leadership and job performance. 4.Organizational commitment doesn’t mediate the effects of transactional leadership on job performance. 5.Organizational commitment serves as the partially mediator between transformational leadership and turnover intention. 6.Organizational commitment doesn’t mediate the effects of transactional leadership on turnover intention.